Ledger Live wallet

Ledger Live app is built from the ground up to be compatible with Ledger hardware wallets. Ledger Live mobile application is fully compatible with the Ledger Nano X.

    • Ledger Live Web App provides a comprehensive overview of users' crypto portfolios, including asset allocation, historical performance, and market trends.

  • Real-Time Market Data:

    • Users can stay informed with real-time market data, enabling them to make informed decisions about buying, selling, or holding their assets.

  • Transaction Authorization:

    • Ledger hardware wallets add an extra layer of security by requiring user authorization for transactions, mitigating the risk of unauthorized access.

  • Web3 DApp Interaction:

    • Ledger Live's Web App empowers users to seamlessly interact with a variety of decentralized applications, expanding their engagement with the broader blockchain ecosystem.

  • Multi-Platform Sync:

    • The synchronization between desktop and mobile versions ensures a consistent user experience, allowing users to transition seamlessly between devices.

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